Goldsmiths' Review 2022-23
On this page you will find information about our latest annual review as well as facts and figures about the Goldsmiths' Company today
Everything we do contributes to national life

Goldsmiths' Review 2022-23
Goldsmiths' Review 2022-23
The Goldsmiths' Review is a special publication. Not just because of the insightful stories and inspiring people featured within, but because it represents where we have been as a modern Livery Company over the past year and maps out the direction we are planning to go for the year ahead. Download a copy of the review and share this journey with us as we continue to contribute to national life in bold and meaningful ways.

The Goldsmiths' Company and The Goldsmiths' Company Charity 2022-23
The Goldsmiths’ Company is a membership organisation that has contributed to national life for 700 years. We train and support jewellers and silversmiths, protect consumers by testing and hallmarking precious metals, and work with charitable, educational and cultural partners to help people improve their lives.
This commitment is core to why we still exist today. It defines the Goldsmiths’ Company, our members, and how we work with all our partners.
Below you will find some key facts about how we support craftspeople, protect consumers and improve lives. The full infographic can be seen on pages 80-82 of the Review.

Supporting the trade of gold and silversmiths
Supporting Craftspeople
Since our very beginning, supporting craftspeople and providing financial relief to goldsmiths in times of need has been central to our purpose as a Company. Today this means supporting business recovery and ensuring that jewellers, silversmiths and their allied trades are thriving and contributing to the UK economy.
Protecting Consumers
We have been responsible for guaranteeing the purity of items made of precious metals since 1300, when the hallmarking statute was passed. We became the official ‘home of hallmarking’ in 1478, establishing the country’s first Assay Office at Goldsmiths’ Hall London, which still operates today.
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Protecting consumers since 1300
Improving Lives
For nearly 700 years, charity has been central to our purpose as a Company. Today we are focused on continuing to be a progressive and influential funder, making connections, sharing best practice and collaborating with others, while raising awareness of the importance of our partners' work across society.

Contributing to national life