Apply for a Grant

Supporting our charity partners through Covid-19 and beyond

Last updated: 2023 Until Further Notice

Charity Committee Update:

1. Following a review of our priorities and due to the impact on our income as a result of COVID-19 pandemic and the turbulent financial market, we have taken the decision to fund in our large grants category (specifically charities within the prisoner resettlement space) by invitation only. We are also no longer running a small grants programme until further notice. Any changes or updates to our funding position will be announced clearly on our webpages.

2. We remain committed to honouring our ongoing small and large multi-year grant commitments. Within the prisoner resettlement charity sector we have partnered with organisations that demonstrate an understanding of the complexity of the issues faced by people in prison and who see their work as part of a bigger ecosystem. We are interested in funding organisations which work with women in prison and on the issues surrounding the incarceration of women. We seek to better understand the issue of racial disproportionality in prison of people from minoritised communities and would be interested in talking to organisations working on this.

3. The Goldsmiths’ Company and the Goldsmiths’ Company Charity have a five-point plan and commitment to addressing equity, diversity and inclusion across all of our entities and in our workplace, our membership, the charities we work with, and our trade. We will partner with charities that hold similar values and are being proactive where there is a need for improvement. We respect organisations that centre the voices of those using the services - in both the production and development of programmes and policies and their continued adaptation. We have conducted a race equality audit of our grants as part of a project being undertaken by the Funders for Race Equality. As a result of this we are working on gaps, namely supporting organisations led and governed by people from minoritised communities.  

The following points still stand:

The Goldsmiths’ Company Charity signed up to a joint funder statement coordinated by London Funders back in March. A renewed pledge has also been signed more recently in November 2020 and the statement can be viewed here.  

Changing use of grant

All our grants are unrestricted, which means that – in exceptional circumstances – you have the flexibility to change the use of our grant without prior consent from the Charity Commission. However, if any of the changes you wish to make are very significant please try to let us know via your reporting or email

Reporting schedules

We understand that submitting detailed reports on time may not be feasible given the circumstances surrounding Covid-19. If you have concerns, please let our Grants Officer or the Head of Charitable Partnerships know, or if you are an Education Grants recipient please contact the Education Officer.

Please keep an eye on the website for any changes to the position of our grants application process over the next few months.

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