Case Studies

Read about how some of our recipients have benefited from our educational programmes.

Grants for Teachers
The Goldsmiths’ Grants for Teachers programme has been running for just over ten years and has supported over 80 teachers.

In 2018 Kieran Mackle travelled to Singapore, primarily to conduct research into methods to improve the quality of teaching and teacher professional development, whilst also seeking to build relationships with his Singaporean counterparts. Kieran chose to take colleagues from three linked primary schools in Gravesend: King’s Farm, Lawn and Whitehill. 

Roger Allkins had been working to develop a bank of personalised resources to use in non-verbal situations when students with autism reach crisis or meltdown point. Roger was awarded a grant in 2018 to travel to a school in Japan to look at similarities and differences between how autism is tackled in his own school and the school he visited in Japan. 

In 2017 Sarah Baker received a grant which helped support her personal and professional understanding and development of printmaking, by working under the pupillage of a professional printmaker. She was able to adapt new techniques appropriate for the primary age range, extending and improving provision already in place. 

Isobel Boyson was also awarded a grant in 2017. The grant enabled Isobel to visit schools in the US dealing with issues surrounding hostilities in society. 

Raphael Heath was awarded a grant in 2016. The main focus of his grant was to develop his skills in using GIS teaching and to disseminate this to other teachers beyond his school. Part of the grant enabled Raphael to attend a GIS course at the Esri T3G Institute in California.

Download these case studies using the download button below.

The deadline for applications for the final round of the Goldsmiths’ Grants for Teachers is Thursday 3 October 2019.

National Theatre: On Demand

The Goldsmiths' Company are proud to support On Demand in Schools Primary, the second phase of the National Theatre’s digital initiative offering acclaimed curriculum-linked productions free of charge, to schools across the country. Over 6,700 teachers in more than 3,700 schools, from every county in the United Kingdom, are now using the ground-breaking free video streaming service.

Through National Theatre: On Demand in Schools, teachers can access high-definition films of 14 productions. Titles range from classic plays like Othello and Julius Caesar to new versions of well-known stories like Frankenstein and Jane Eyre. With the support of The Goldsmiths’ Company Charity, the National Theatre has been able to expand the service to include productions for primary schools, including Bryony Lavery’s adaptation of Treasure Island and a 90-minute version of The Winter’s Tale. Each play is supported by curriculum-linked learning resources.

In January 2018 The National Theatre won a Bett Award for Free Digital Content or Open Educational Resources.

Romeo and Juliet. Photo: Ludovic des Cognets

Supporting Pioneering Maths Initiative at Three Schools

The Company has awarded a grant to three schools in Kent to create a new maths programme that will teach, influence and inspire both their own pupils and the wider education community: King’s Farm Primary School in Gravesend, Lawn Primary School in Northfleet and Whitehill Primary School in Gravesend.

Based on the principles of ‘Mastery Maths’, a form of mathematics teaching inspired by a style used in Singapore and Shanghai, the programme will give pupils a richer, deeper, learning experience. It enables pupils to become fluent in mathematics, reason and solve problems by applying their mathematics skills to problems.

Children and Teachers from the Primary Schools with the former Goldsmiths' Company Deputy Clerk

The Education Committee, as part of its charitable strategic review, has decided to end the Science for Society residential course. The Committee is continuing to support STEM education via a new collaboration which will be publicised soon.

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Case Studies

The stories behind some of the recent recipients of charitable grants from the Goldsmiths' Company Charity.

Educational Programmes

The Goldsmiths' Company has continuously supported charitable work in education since the sixteenth century.

Members' Charitable Fund

The Goldsmiths’ Company’s members are proud to support their own charitable fund, established in 2011 to support the trade.