Grants for Teachers

The Goldsmiths’ Grants for Teachers was introduced in 2008 to provide teachers and head teachers with an opportunity to take time out from the classroom in order to undertake an original project of their choice, in the UK or abroad, aimed at enhancing their personal and professional development.

A grant, of up to £5,000, covers the cost of travel, accommodation, materials and supply cover if necessary.

All proposed projects will be considered by a selection panel drawn from the Goldsmiths’ Company’s Education Committee.


What the programme is looking for:

  • An original project that will enhance the applicant’s teaching career and benefit his / her students on completion
  • A project that has a long-term aim of disseminating results / research back to the school and / or a wider audience
  • A project that is planned and well thought out
  • A project that presents an individual challenge to the applicant.

What the programme will not support:

  • CPD type courses that fall within the school’s normal expenditure
  • Continuation of an existing project that has run out of money
  • Travel for the sake of it or group travel
  • Attendance on a course and nothing else
  • A grant for Higher Education
  • Academic research – thesis or dissertation material
  • Teaching abroad
  • School exchange programmes or school twinning – particularly if it only benefits a remote school.

Guidelines for Applications:

  • Applicants should have a minimum of three years’ practical teaching experience in the UK
  • Projects may be undertaken between December 2019 and December 2020
  • Applicants must include a reference from their Headteacher (or chair of governors where the applicant is a Headteacher)
  • Applications must be submitted by Thursday 3 October 2019.

2019 is the final year of the Goldsmiths’ Grants for Teachers

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