
We work with charitable partners to help people improve their lives. These are the stories behind this ambition and include recent recipients of the Goldsmiths' Company Charity.

The Prison Radio Association: Hope on the airwaves

Writer Fiona Thompson looks behind-the-scenes at this fascinating radio station that is providing support and training opportunities for prisoners.

International Women's Day 2023: Meet Ellen from Unlocked Graduates

This International Women's Day we spoke with Ellen Larby of Unlocked Graduates to find out about the advice she has for aspiring women prison officers.

The Tales Retold Project: Drama and Resilience in Blackpool

The Tales Retold project at Blackpool Grand Theatre has had a proven positive impact on the children of Blackpool. We sat down with the team to learn more.

Spark Inside: Coaching in prisons

We spoke with our new charitable partners, Spark Inside, to hear more about their 'Hero's Journey' coaching programme.

The Yard Theatre: 'Black Excellence at Nighttime' case study

Molly Caskey from The Yard Theatre writes about their 'Black Excellence at Nighttime' programme, which evidences the impact of the Goldsmiths' Company Charity's support.