International Women's Day 2023: Meet Ellen from Unlocked

Unlocked Graduates aims to end the reoffending cycle by training exceptional people on its two year programme as frontline prison officers. For International Women's Day we spoke with Ellen Larby to learn more about the scheme and the advice she has for aspiring women prison officers.

What drew you towards your current role as a Prison Officer with Unlocked Graduates?
I have always been in roles working with some of the most vulnerable people in society. I graduated with a joint degree in sociology and criminology but wanted to be in a role where I was on the ground, working directly with people. I heard about Unlocked Graduates and now here I am...
What is your biggest challenge as a young prison officer?
Owning my decisions- as women we often shy away or are convinced that we might not know best. I've learnt to speak up and be loud in my role- something I never really did or needed to do in my previous jobs!
What is the most surprising thing that you have learnt?
That women prison officers not only belong in men only prisons, but that we are just as effective as our male counterparts and there is power in our voices when we use them effectively. 
Do you have advice for any other young women looking to enter this profession?
Yes. Stick to your beliefs and values and don't shy away from who you are. It took me a while to figure out the type of prison officer I wanted to be, ensuring that I hold onto my own morals and values. This may not always be something that is highly valued among colleagues, but it means I always aim to do what is fair and right for those in my care. 
What career path do you hope to embark upon following on from this experience?
Well, I thought I'd really struggle to work as a prison officer for the two years at Unlocked Graduates and in HMP Wandsworth, but I love my job and would like to stay in this sector for the foreseeable. I'm hoping that I can continue this work but on a bigger scale- maybe at a more international level. 


Image credit: Ellen Larby, Unlocked 2022

Ellen Larby is a Prison Officer at HMP Wandsworth. She previously worked as a Communications and Safeguarding Officer at Save the Children and has a degree in Sociology and Criminology.