The Yard Theatre: Black Excellence at Nighttime case study

Molly Caskey from The Yard Theatre reflects on the 'Black Excellence at Nighttime' project at The Yard - an organisation that we are proud to have supported.

H joined The Yard’s young change-makers group, The Committee back in 2020. The Yard had commissioned Hackney-born choreographer, writer and director Lanre Malaolu to create SAMSKARA: a poetic examination of Black masculinity and generational trauma, told through dance.

The Committee came up with the concept of Black Excellence at Nighttime: a space for Black and Global Majority teenagers to thrive and create events for their peers. Their response was Facing Black: a curation of music, poetry and interactive art experiences in The Yard’s bar, and discussions outside the theatre after the show. The group were responsible for the concept, marketing, the programme, budget and logistics.

H: “Through this project I’ve learnt how to adapt to working with others creatively. In the development stage, we had an array of ideas, but finding a balance was difficult. This project pushed me to try things I usually wouldn’t, so it has definitely increased my confidence! I definitely feel like I was part of the decision making throughout the process. Whilst on this programme I was supported by The Yard when applying for jobs, which helped me find new employment that I am now securely in!”

“As a group of Young Black producers, we were able to relate to themes explored [in SAMSKARA] and share our experiences. That sense of security and community makes the group what we are. I loved being connected to a group of Young Black Artists, as spaces like these are not very common for people of ethnic backgrounds, but are massively needed, and the Black Excellence project 100% proves this. The Yard is a massive community and I felt completely safe and comfortable throughout the project. I would definitely take part in something like this at The Yard again without a doubt!”

The Goldsmiths’ Company Charity was pleased to support and celebrate The Black Excellence at Night Time project with a three-year grant from 2020 - 2022 of £12,000 towards core costs.

Image credit: Iko-Ojo Mercy Haruna via The Yard Theatre