The Goldsmiths' Company 2027 Strategy

We are delighted to introduce this new strategy. Marking 700 years is aimed at our members, our staff, our trade, and those outside the Company who would like learn more about who we are and what we do.

Front cover of the Goldsmiths' Company Strategy

Marking 700 years

The Goldsmiths’ Company is a membership organisation that has contributed to national life for nearly 700 years. We train and support jewellers and silversmiths, protect consumers by testing and hallmarking precious metals, and work with charitable, educational and cultural partners to help people improve their lives. 

This document sets out our vision for the years leading up to 2027 - the 700th anniversary of the granting of our first Royal Charter. Click the button below to download a copy of the Company Strategy.


"In a pre-welfare state society, trade guilds like the Goldsmiths’ Company provided a safety net protecting craftspeople, their communities and people who had fallen through the cracks in society. The giving of alms, or financial relief, is mentioned in the first pages of the Company’s earliest minute book in 1334."

The Goldsmiths' Company family

Learn more about how we:

Support Craftspeople

Protect Consumers

Improve Lives

"The Goldsmiths’ Company has helped support my journey and has allowed me to feel a sense of acceptance and belonging in the industry..."

Louise Sorrell - Member and former Goldsmiths’ Company apprentice

Everything we do contributes to national life. Over the coming years, leading up to our 700-year anniversary, we will fulfil our purpose by working towards three key aims that support our trade, wider society and our organisation.

The three aims of the Company Strategy

We have committed to deliver several outcomes against each aim and have provided examples of what we will do to achieve those outcomes. We have done this because we want to be more transparent about who we are, what we do, how we work and where our money goes.

Please  download a copy of our strategy and we hope you will be inspired by the difference even one livery company can make.