Meet our Members

A spotlight on members of the Goldsmiths’ Company and their contributions to our craft, trade and to national life

Abdul Mohamed

"Helping to improve the life of inner-city Londoners and disadvantaged people has been a central theme to my professional life – it’s also mirrored in some of the key objectives of the Goldsmiths’ Company strategy and adds an extra sense of purpose to being a member."

Afsheen Nawaz

"I feel incredibly proud and honoured to be a member of a Company that has the spirit of philanthropy and service at its core, helping to improve lives for nearly 700 years."

Rajesh Gogna

"As an academic, I see my responsibility being one of inspiration and education, ensuring that the Goldsmiths’ Company remains the backbone of the modern craft."

Louise Sorrell

"The Goldsmiths’ Company has helped support my journey and has allowed me to feel a sense of acceptance and belonging in the industry."

Tijs Broeke

"Part of being a Livery Company in the modern-day involves many people working together toward a common goal."

Chloe May Lightfoot

“Being a member of the Company makes me feel part of a community. It means I am keeping the traditions and skills of the goldsmith alive by sharing them with other members as we help each other to succeed.”

Harriet Kelsall

"Soon after becoming a Freeman I took on my first apprentice. It is so great to be able to bring young people into the industry and help and nurture their talent so that they can be the best that they can be."

Eliza Higginbottom

"Being a member is very affirming. I think the recognition of one’s peers is very powerful, as is the opportunity to support and give back to the trade."

Yunus Ascott

"Our brand has never been in a box, moving between film work, interiors, fashion, and jewellery. This breadth of activity is mirrored by the membership as we are surrounded by interesting and talented peers; it makes me proud to be a member."