Fishing Trophy

1937 Fishing Trophy by Leslie Durbin

Hand-raised cup and cover with pictorial engraving of swimming fishes amongst seaweed. Carved ivory handles and ivory mermaid finial. Designed and made by Leslie Durbin. Sponsor’s mark: Central School of Arts & Crafts, London. Measurements: Height 21 cm. Width 15.8 cm.

The Company organised a design competition in connection with the 1938 exhibition for different classes of work: ecclesiastical; corporation and ceremonial plate; sports trophies and domestic plate. 600 drawings were received. Trade firms sponsored the winners. However the Clerk, George Hughes, commented “The results of the competition show that the trade firms who put in a great number of designs were not much good and that the young designers were much the best”. Purchased by the Company.

Fishing Tophy

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